Want a Special Class or Challenge Exams?
Call or Text Walter at 407.733.7539 or email walter@onthespotcalibrations.com.
After the information is gathered, an invoice will be sent.
Exam challenges may also be done during a regularly scheduled Earthwork exam.
Earthworks Level I (Closed Book Exam)
Challenge the Written Exam Only: $125 (if they come to me, invoiced)
Challenge the Proficiency Exam Only: $125 (if they come to me, invoiced)
Both the Written Exam and Proficiency Exam at the same time, $199 (if they come to me, invoiced)
Manual to study, $40 +Shipping
10% discount on Calibrations when performed after an exam challenge.
The Proficiency Exam is only required if the student does not have a current ECI I Certification
Earthworks Level II (Open Book Exam)
Challenge the Written Exam Only: $125 (if they come to me, invoiced)
Manual to study, $40 +Shipping
10% discount on Calibrations when performed after an exam challenge.